Greenmount Culinary Incubator

Greenmount Culinary Incubator
When: 09/08/2022 - 09/30/2025
Where: 3326-38 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21218


Inquire about getting your business licensed for USDA, FDA, or local state product development. We accommodate food cottage law operators that are out growing their home-based business looking to become licensed. We offer growth companies after licensed options to use our preparation space to package products.

Additional conveniences include free customer parking for pickups in our private parking lot. We're also a small-scale DIY co-packer, offering more than just commercial cooking equipment. By providing small batch packaging equipment, our customers can create retail ready packaged products. We have over 15 years of experience working with food scientists, nutritionists, food production pilot labs, co-packers, and food & beverage packaging designers.



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