Sprout Nola truck farm table

Sprout Nola truck farm table
When: 09/12/2022 - 09/30/2028
Where: 500 N Norman C Francis Parkway, New Orleans, Louisiana 70119


We at SPROUT NOLA are urban farmers dedicated to helping Greater New Orleans access fresh, affordable, and tasty food through small scale vegetable production initiatives. SPROUT NOLA has recognized the lack of access to fresh healthy food experienced by many New Orleanians and we are dedicated to addressing this issue. We will achieve this through community engagement and outreach, partnerships with local food vendors and food justice organizations, hands-on training programs, and advocacy. At our core we believe in empowerment through gardening and we encourage open, honest, dynamic dialogue to address the needs of our neighborhoods. We will work alongside our neighbors to create stronger more vibrant communities by supporting garden based activities that directly enhance nutrition, support health, provide economic benefit and support community interaction.



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